​Cutting Down Trees

What is the law against cutting trees?

The law against cutting trees in the UK is actually quite complex. The protection of timber has been an issue for centuries, and many laws have been passed to protect forests from being taken away by humans. It can be difficult to tell what is illegal and what is not, but we will go through some of the most important questions and parts of the tree legislation acts

If you're thinking about cutting down a tree, we have the answers to your questions. Whether it's safety precautions or preservation laws that are getting in the way of making decisions on what course is best for your property and trees, our guide has information available from expert sources so no one will reach for their chainsaw before they get all necessary facts correct beforehand.

Do I need permission to cut down a tree or remove branches on my property in the UK?

If you own your home, one does not need permission to cut down a tree that is solely in your garden, unless it has been designated as needing preservation through the Tree Preservation Order or Conservation Area. If you are renting a house and cutting down trees on the rented property grounds, then you must first obtain permission from your landlord before undertaking any work of felling. One can always ask neighbours for help with branches which overhang onto neighbouring gardens/property but they are still owned by the owner of the land where the trunk resides so it’s the owners responsibility if anything goes wrong, such as an unexpected direction in which branch falls upon neighbour’s garage, shed or outbuilding for example.

Tree Felling Licence

Where a tree must be felled outside of a private garden, you may need to obtain permission from the relevant government department. If this applies and the trees amount to 5 cubic metres in total volume, it is usually an offence without their consent first. Licences for thinning woodland will most likely come with certain conditions on replanting or maintaining them afterwards for a set timescale. For just thinning woodlands, this will not have a restocking condition attached to the licence. They will make enquiries to see if permission needs to be granted from your local authority. Also please consider the impact this could cause to the surrounding wildlife. Felling and removing trees while the breeding season is in full swing could be stressful for the birds and indeed other wildlife, so make sure that you take this into account and proceed during the winter months.

Is there a legal height for Neighbours trees?

Are you looking for some advice on what to do about the height of your neighbour's trees? There are a few things that you can do. The first thing is to talk with them about it. They may not even realise that they have high tree branches and be more than happy to take care of the problem. If they don't know, then ask them how tall their trees were when they bought the house or moved in. You could also check your local by-laws for information on legal height limits for trees, as this varies depending on where you live and local council rules and regulations.

What can I do if my Neighbours trees are too high and they are ignoring my complaints?

If you are unable to reach an agreement with your neighbours, then contact local authorities as they may be able to help. There is also a possibility that cutting down or trimming the trees might not solve the problem and in this case it would be advisable to consult with a qualified arborist for advice on how best to deal with high tree branches on neighbouring property. You can contact our local tree surgeons at Nottingham Tree Surgery and Arborist Service anytime for a FREE consultation and expert friendly advice for a way forward.

What do you do with dead ash trees?

A lifeless oak or ash can make for an eyesore on any property, so most people would want them removed quickly at all costs-including safety concerns such as unstable limbs. This means having professional tree surgeons handle this job from start to finish. Cutting down branch by branch (known as sectional dismantling) until removing the whole tree without damaging anyone or nearby property when they fall over during the disposal process (due largely to the tree's overall weight and size) The average residential homeowner or business will not have the the right equipment to safely remove these large ash and oak trees. Also if the trees to be felled are dead, they will be brittle with loose bark and could collapse at any time, adding to the danger. This is why they should always be removed by specialist tree surgeons and Arborists.

Is it illegal to cut down trees when birds are nesting?

The bird nesting season is an important time for birds to find a safe place to raise young. Nesting occurs March 1st through July 31 and during this time the surrounding vegetation such as trees and hedges should be left untouched in order not disturb these fragile environments. Although it may seem impractical, there are exceptions that allow work on trees and hedges if done with care so as not to harm any nests or eggs residing nearby. Always keep safety at the top of your mind when running projects near wildlife habitats. To ensure the safety of nesting birds, before any work is carried out in this season a thorough visual survey needs to be completed. In most cases it will have been determined that there are no nesting birds present or if they are then as long as what you're doing doesn't disrupt their nest near your worksite everything should go smoothly and without incident. It's not just about protecting them but also ensuring we protect ourselves by following these guidelines so everyone can coexist peacefully with minimal disturbance for both parties involved.The courts have been clear that the responsibility lies with both contractor and client to be aware of laws protecting nesting birds. For example, if you disturb a bird's nest they may go ahead and delay work until all nests are empty, but this rule is not limited to just certain species of birds, all wild birds, as well as any eggs found in an unoccupied nest, will be protected from disturbance under these rules. This means it becomes your duty also, so make sure before beginning construction on your property that there isn't anything laid by terns or swallows.

Cutting back my neighbours Trees that are encroaching my property?

If you have a neighbour who's tree is overhanging onto your property, cutting back the branches can be as easy as talking to them. If they're happy with it then all that needs doing is trimming away any leaves and debris on their side of the fence or hedge.

The law actually states that any tree branches cut off belong to the person whose land the tree first grew, so good practice id to ask your neighbour if they want them back, or if they don't mind if you go ahead and dispose of them during the process.

When you're trimming your hedge, don't just throw the trimmings back over the boundary. This could constitute 'fly tipping'. Ask your neighbour whether they would like any trimmings back before throwing them away or leaving them by their garden gate for someone else to pick up later.

Also this applies to fruit on trees, even if the fruit on branches which is overhanging onto your property, still by law belongs to your neighbour. So You are indeed stealing if you pick the fruits for yourself without your good neighbours' permission. 

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Reasons Not To Cut Down Trees Yourself

Safety Concerns

Felling trees is a high-risk activity that requires specific training and equipment to be done safely. Amateur tree cutting can result in serious injuries, including cuts, bruises, sprains, fractures, or even fatal accidents. This risk is further multiplied when dealing with large trees or those near power lines. Mishandling of heavy equipment such as chainsaws can lead to devastating consequences. Therefore, it is always prudent to hire professional tree services instead of undertaking such dangerous tasks yourself.

Inadequate Tools and Equipment

Most individuals lack the necessary tools and equipment for safe and effective tree cutting. Without the proper equipment, you are likely to do more harm than good to the tree, the surrounding area, and potentially yourself. For instance, using a ladder that isn't tall enough or sturdy enough can lead to falls. Unawareness of the correct use of chainsaws or axes can also lead to dangerous accidents. Moreover, special equipment is often required to handle tree waste, and inadequate disposal can harm the environment. Expert tree service providers are equipped with the right tools and know how to use them efficiently and responsibly.

Lack of Training and Experience

Cutting down trees is not a simple task that can be learned overnight or through a quick online tutorial. It demands an in-depth understanding of tree biology, safe cutting practices, and familiarity with the tools and equipment used. Professional tree service providers benefit from formal training and vast experience, enabling them to effectively assess the condition of a tree, decide the best course of action, and perform the job safely and efficiently. An amateur, on the other hand, lacks this expertise and might cause irreversible damage to the tree, the property, or most importantly, themselves. The complexity and potential hazards involved in tree cutting make it a task best left to trained professionals.

Legal Implications

Violation of local and regional laws: Cutting down trees without proper permits or in restricted areas can result in hefty fines and legal consequences. It is essential to research and understand the laws and regulations governing tree cutting in your area before attempting it yourself.

Property damage: Mishandling of tools or an unexpected accident can result in damage to your property, neighboring properties, or public property. In such cases, you might be held liable for the damages and incur significant financial losses.

Injury to others: If a person sustains injuries on your property while you are cutting down trees, you could be held legally responsible for their medical expenses and other costs related to the accident. This could result in lengthy legal battles and hefty compensation payments.

Permit Requirements

One key aspect often overlooked by individuals considering cutting down trees themselves is the requirement for permits (TPO). Most regions require property owners to obtain a Tree Preservation Order before any significant tree-cutting or removal. This is to ensure the protection of local ecosystems and maintain the aesthetic appeal of the landscape. The process of obtaining a permit involves submitting an application to the local authority, including details about the tree and the reason for its removal. Failure to adhere to these permit requirements can result in harsh penalties, including fines and legal repercussions. In addition, obtaining a permit can be a time-consuming process, another reason why hiring a professional tree service is often a more practical solution.

Trees play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Cutting them down without proper knowledge and consideration can have severe environmental consequences. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, prevent soil erosion, contribute to nutrient cycling, and serve as habitats for various species of animals and plants. Removing trees without understanding their ecological value or implementing proper waste disposal practices can harm the environment.


While many may believe that DIY tree cutting can save money, the reality can often be quite the opposite. The cost of purchasing or renting the necessary equipment, combined with the potential for costly mistakes, can make the process far more expensive than hiring professionals. Professional tree services have access to industrial-grade equipment and the know-how to complete the job efficiently, typically making their services a more cost-effective solution. Furthermore, if any damage is caused to nearby properties or if fines are imposed for non-compliance with local regulations, the costs can quickly escalate. Hence, hiring professional tree services can be a more economical choice in the long run, providing assurance of a job well done without the risk of legal complications or additional, unanticipated expenses.

Ecological Impact

Disruption to local ecosystems is a significant concern associated with amateur tree cutting. Trees are an integral part of the local ecology, providing habitats for a wide variety of animals and supporting biodiversity. They also play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by regulating climate, improving air quality, conserving water, and supporting wildlife. Improper tree cutting can disrupt habitats, endangering the survival of certain species, and potentially leading to a decrease in biodiversity. This can have far-reaching effects on the environmental health and stability of the area, making it crucial to involve professionals who understand the ecological implications of tree removal.

Loss of Habitat

Trees offer shelter, provide food, and act as a breeding ground for a wide range of wildlife species. When trees are cut down, the habitat of many animals and insects is destroyed, leading to displacement or even extinction of certain species. Birds that nest in the tree branches, insects that thrive in the bark, and mammals that depend on the tree for food and shelter all suffer when their habitat is abruptly removed. Also, many tree species have symbiotic relationships with specific fungi, helping each other in nutrient absorption. Cutting down trees disrupts this complex network of interdependence, causing a ripple effect throughout the ecosystem. Reforestation efforts may not immediately replace the lost habitats, as it takes time for trees and associated ecosystems to mature. Therefore, unprofessional tree cutting can lead to significant loss of habitat, affecting biodiversity and ecological balance, further underpinning the need for professional tree services.

Potential Property Damage

Falling on Structures

An often underestimated risk in unprofessional tree cutting is the potential for trees or large branches to fall on structures. This could include your home, garage, fences, or other property features. A lack of understanding about the weight distribution and structural integrity of a tree can lead to catastrophic miscalculations about where the tree will fall once cut. Moreover, an unexpected gust of wind or a sudden shift in the tree's weight can alter its fall direction. This unpredictability can result in significant property damage, necessitating expensive repairs or replacements. In addition, if a tree falls on a neighbouring property or public infrastructure, you may be held responsible for the damages. This is yet another scenario where professional tree services, equipped with deep knowledge and experience in tree dynamics, can mitigate such risks and safely perform the tree cutting task.

Damage to Utility Lines

Another serious risk associated with DIY tree cutting is potential damage to utility lines. Trees often grow in close proximity to overhead power, telephone, or cable lines, and in some cases, their roots may be intertwined with underground pipelines. Cutting down such a tree without proper planning and precaution can lead to accidental contact with these lines, causing significant damage. This not only leads to disruption of these utilities for you and your neighbors but also poses a severe safety risk. For instance, cutting a tree near an overhead power line can result in electrocution, sparking a fire, or causing a power outage. Similarly, cutting a tree with roots entangled in underground pipes can lead to leaks or breakages, necessitating costly repairs. Moreover, you may be held liable for any repair costs or fines imposed by the utility company. Professional tree services are familiar with these risks and have the necessary training and experience to carry out tree removal safely, ensuring minimal disruption to local utilities.

Aesthetic and Property Value

Reduction in Landscape Appeal

Unprofessional tree cutting may adversely impact the aesthetic appeal and value of your property. Trees add to the visual appeal of a landscape, offering shade, color, and a sense of tranquility. They also help in creating privacy and reducing noise pollution. Haphazard or improper cutting can lead to an unsightly appearance, with stumps, uneven growth, or visible signs of damage detracting from the overall beauty of your landscape. Additionally, healthy, mature trees can significantly increase property value. Therefore, improper tree removal can not only diminish the aesthetic appeal but also potentially depreciate the property's market value. Professional tree services can help retain the aesthetic value of your property by ensuring that tree removal is done in a manner that maintains the visual balance and beauty of your landscape.

Decrease in Property Value

Inappropriate or unprofessional tree cutting can lead to a considerable decrease in your property's value. As mentioned earlier, trees contribute significantly to a property's aesthetic appeal. They provide shade, create privacy, and improve the overall landscape. All these factors play a crucial role in determining the property's market value. When trees are cut down haphazardly, the landscape loses its charm, and potential buyers may view the property as less desirable. This can lead to a significant reduction in the property's market value. Moreover, prospective buyers may anticipate additional costs for landscape restoration, further driving down the property's perceived worth. Therefore, professional tree services are essential to ensure that any necessary tree removal is done thoughtfully and strategically, preserving and even enhancing your property's value.

Tree Health

Potential Spread of Disease

Unprofessional tree cutting may inadvertently contribute to the spread of tree diseases. Different tree species can be susceptible to a variety of diseases and infestations, and improperly cleaned cutting tools can spread these pathogens from one tree to another. For example, oak wilt, dutch elm disease, or the emerald ash borer can all be propagated through the use of contaminated equipment. Additionally, the improper treatment of cut surfaces can leave trees vulnerable to infections. If a tree is already infected or infested, untrained individuals may not recognize the signs and could inadvertently spread the disease to other trees during the removal process. Professional tree services are well-versed in identifying signs of tree disease and pests, and they maintain their equipment to the highest standard to prevent disease spread. Furthermore, they know how to properly treat cut surfaces to minimise disease risk, ensuring the overall health of your landscape.

Improper Pruning or Trimming

Another risk associated with unprofessional tree cutting is improper pruning or trimming, which can result in damage to the tree's structure and potentially lead to its death. Pruning and trimming are essential for maintaining a tree's health and aesthetics, but it requires an understanding of tree anatomy and growth patterns. Cutting in the wrong place or at the wrong time of year can expose the tree to disease, promote weak branch growth, or stunt the tree's growth entirely. Furthermore, improper pruning can result in 'lion's tailing', where excess foliage is removed from the outer edges of the canopy, leading to branch weakness and breakage. In contrast, professional tree services are trained in correct pruning techniques and understand the optimal timing for these operations to ensure the long-term health and vitality of your trees.

Round Up Of Key Points

Overall, there are many reasons why individuals should avoid cutting down trees themselves and instead hire trained professionals. From safety concerns to legal implications and negative impacts on the environment and property value, it is important to carefully consider the consequences before attempting to cut down trees on your own.  So, it is highly recommended to leave tree cutting and removal to the experts in order to avoid any potential risks and negative impacts.

Remember, trees are not only important for their aesthetic value but also play a crucial role in our ecosystem. By hiring professionals, we can ensure that trees are removed safely and sustainably, helping to preserve our environment for future generations.  So, always think twice before taking on the task of cutting down trees yourself and prioritise the well-being of both yourself and the natural world around you.  So let's all work together to protect and preserve our trees!  Keep them standing tall and strong for years to come.  Together, we can make a difference. 

Remember, trees are not only important for their aesthetic value but also play a crucial role in our ecosystem. By hiring professionals, we can ensure that trees are removed safely and sustainably, helping to preserve our environment for

Any more questions that you may have about cutting, trimming and pruning Trees in Nottingham, please give us a call, as we offer a free Initial consultation to all our customers. We are open for business 24/7

Nottingham Tree Surgery & Arborist Services




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